Some quick pics of me having fun fixing the 'puters so they run goodly when we open August 1st.

This first one is with lanes 3 & 4 motherboard out of the case, everything stripped down to individual wires.  That's the pesky motherboard to the left of the keyboard and CRT.

This next pic below has the laptop running cool music from broadband radio, I think.  Hoopster's new baby is at right, you can see the dual hard drive set-up as file migration is happening between bad old Windows 98 and good cool new XP.  That took about 5 hours between wiping out the new hard drive and getting the drivers in correctly.  Not too bad, actually.

A better look below of the new Hoopster toy.  Hope that sucker works when I power up his software.  No, that's not Yukon Jack in the cup at center of screen.  (Although I wish it were.)

A better look at the laptop doing it's thing.  Dammit, there's that Visual Basic book behind the laptop.  I wondered where I layed it.

See those cases on the floor?  Every one says the motherboard is bad.  BAH!!! Can't be.  3 in 10 days?  <sigh> Oh well.  If I start testing 'em tonight, maybe by August 20th I'll have 'em up and running.

Anyway... my life as of July 12th.  Why the webpage?  I'm waiting for the XP transfer to finish (about 1 1/2 hrs) and got bored.  Besides, I wanted to see how much junk I can cram on the bartop and wanted pictures to prove that everything would fit.


See Y'all in August
