- November 21, 2003 What is up with the Monday night N R & G Men’s League lately? Phil Bowen carries a 188 average on this league but starts the night with a 126 game. Ouch. He bounces back in game 2 with a 194 then explodes in the third game for a 288, just getting back to a 608 set. Weird. Bob Cannon and Chad Schwaiger were bombing the pins for Autoville that night and you could only shake your head at poor Rick’s Sports Bar as they tried to withstand the onslaught. Chad made a run at 11 strikes in a row in game one but a pesky 10 pin on the 12th shot stopped his run and he finished at 289. Bob started with a 268 number in the initial game, picked up the pace in game two for 279 then finished with a 216, producing a 763 series. Chad finished with 221-258 for his 768 set. Pretty good scores for the teammates. Chris Barton was bowling hard to help Rick’s hold up with his own 700 set with games of 246-192-267 for 705. Randy Babcock also had a good night that evening. His games of 244-235-267 combined for a superb 746 set. I’d say the league had a pretty fair night. How about that Julie Hefflinger? It’s a rarity when one of the gals goes 100 pins over average and Julie came up just short last Wednesday morning in the Lucky Strike league. Her 162 average climbed just a bit after a 258 game and 608 series. The game was 96 pins over and the series 122 plus. Nice bowling, Julie. Yeah… yeah… I know. You hear that all the time. J J Westhoven made the best run at 300 for the week in the Hernandez Classic Wednesday evening. The dreaded 10 pin stopped him cold on the 12th ball, but the 299 did lead the mens’ high game category for the week. Chad’s 289 mentioned earlier was second high for the week with daddy Randy Schwaiger third with his 288. Randy made a 300 run Wednesday but the 11th ball was, let’s say, not one of his better shots. High mens’ series for the week went to Chad with his 768. Matt Buehrer comes in second with his 763 Wednesday night with the Hernandez boys. Matt was throwing the ball as well as I’ve ever seen him that night. I had a front row seat. The turkey was trying to kick our tail and doing quite nicely with a 268-278 start. It seemed like he had a four board area as anything coming close to the head pin was carrying. I don’t begrudge him the carry. He was throwing a tank. Matt tied Bob Cannon who also had his 763. Karen Zumfelde shot the high ladies’ series for the week with her 626 set in the Thursday Napoleon Party Mart Classic. Games of 221-233 got her out of the gate but a disappointing 172 finish slowed her down a bit. Still the 626 was definitely a keeper. Janet Franz was second high, also in the Party Mart league, with her 614. Her nice 240 initial game got her going. She stumbled a bit with a 173 middle game but she returned to form with a final 201 number. Julie Hefflinger had the third spot with her 608. Julie’s 258 game led the ladies’ this week, Janet Franz’s 240 was second. Deb Phillips gave hubby Andy something to shoot for with a 235 game in the Thursday Twilight league. It was a big week for 700s with 15 being shot this week. Emilio Mora, Sr-750; Randy Schwaiger-747; Randy Babcock-746; Rick Caudill-743; Emilio Mora, Jr-732; Chad Schwaiger-729; J J Westhoven-723; Dave Burill-719; Scott Helberg-709; Scott Helberg-707; Chris Barton-705; Matt Buehrer-701. A reminder to the captains of this year’s Ohio State Mens’ Handicap Tourney. Entries are due this weekend. Turn them in at River City Bowl-A-Way. Am I the only Buckeye fan who’s scared to death of my team’s prospects this weekend? On the road, at the big house with those bad Blue Boys getting better every week. Gheesh, I hope our defense scores 21 points. We’ll need ‘em. Go Bucks!