Individual History for: 177 - Brandon Cramer

Scores in Bold are WINS, Scores in Red are Ties
Opponents Games have Aqua backgrounds
If Players Average increased on a week, it is listed in bold numbers
Click on the Opposing Players Name to go directly to their history report
Click on the Date or Lane Pair to go to that week's recap
W-L Record

Start Week

End Week
Wk Date Lanes Opp Player Pts 1 2 3 Ser 1 2 3 Ser OppAvg Pins Gms New Old +/- HiGm HiSer Year Pts
18/27/20149-10Martin Kinder2.0-1.0218186191595214228175617205.675953198.330.00198.332185952.0-1.0
29/3/201411-12John McClure1.0-2.0246205245696267223226716222.1712916215.17198.3316.832466963.0-3.0
39/10/20147-8Randy Babcock1.0-2.0194207204605239219194652220.5618969210.67215.17-4.502466964.0-5.0
49/17/201413-14VACANT 1.0-2.0191173225589200200200600215.42248512207.08210.67-3.582466965.0-7.0
610/1/201411-12Scott Helberg1.0-2.0213195235643216232218666216.73312815208.53207.081.452466966.0-9.0
810/15/201413-14Martin Kinder3.0-0.0222257215694144191160495208.11382218212.33208.533.802576969.0-9.0
910/22/201411-12Martin Kinder2.0-1.0300203242745214238218670210.29456721217.48212.335.1430074511.0-10.0
1010/29/20147-8John McClure1.0-2.0235202209646222224258704213.33521324217.21217.48-0.2730074512.0-12.0
1111/5/201413-14Randy Babcock0.0-3.0212191205608245234226705215.74582127215.59217.21-1.6230074512.0-15.0
1512/3/201413-14Terry Martin0.0-3.0184206160550202223186611214.53637130212.37215.59-3.2330074512.0-18.0
1612/10/201411-12VACANT 2.0-1.0192223227642200200200600213.21701333212.52212.370.1530074514.0-19.0
1712/17/20147-8Jeremy Kinder2.0-1.0216173265654193205205603212.19766736212.97212.520.4630074516.0-20.0
181/7/201513-14John McClure1.0-2.0193255211659205235245685213.44832639213.49212.970.5130074517.0-22.0
191/14/20159-10Randy Babcock2.0-1.0207217214638183210235628213.14896442213.43213.49-0.0630074519.0-23.0
201/21/201511-12VACANT 3.0-0.0208224222654200200200600212.27961845213.73213.430.3030074522.0-23.0
211/28/20157-8Cory West2.0-1.0203247254704258227237722214.041032248215.04213.731.3130074524.0-24.0
222/4/201513-14Scott Helberg0.0-3.0190222225637227279227733215.821095951214.88215.04-0.1630074524.0-27.0
232/11/20159-10Terry Martin0.0-3.0187217164568235225183643215.741152754213.46214.88-1.4230074524.0-30.0
252/25/201513-14Martin Kinder2.0-1.0246193227666164208226598214.881219357213.91213.460.4530074526.0-31.0
263/4/20159-10John McClure2.0-1.0194197224615183200183566213.571280860213.47213.91-0.4530074528.0-32.0
273/11/201511-12Randy Babcock1.0-2.0212220200632254223184661213.891344063213.33213.47-0.1330074529.0-34.0
283/18/20157-8VACANT 2.0-1.0230195239664200200200600213.261410466213.70213.330.3630074531.0-35.0
293/25/201513-14Cory West1.0-2.0206236211653225205213643213.301475769213.87213.700.1730074532.0-37.0
304/1/20159-10Scott Helberg3.0-0.0258279235772213224202639213.291552972215.68213.871.8130077235.0-37.0

Player records against other Bowlers
If Brandon's numbers are higher, they are in bold with Aqua background
(ie: bold=good, non-bold=whoops)
Opponent Brandon's Avg Opponents Avg Win-Loss Record
John McClure 218.0 222.6 5.0 - 7.0
Martin Kinder 225.0 198.3 9.0 - 3.0
Scott Helberg 228.0 226.4 4.0 - 5.0
VACANT 221.3 200.0 2.0 - 1.0
VACANT 209.4 200.0 6.0 - 3.0
Cory West 226.2 227.5 3.0 - 3.0
Jeremy Kinder 218.0 201.0 2.0 - 1.0
Terry Martin 186.3 209.0 0.0 - 6.0
Randy Babcock 206.9 220.5 4.0 - 8.0

Player records and averages per game
  Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 TOTAL
Brandon's Avg 214.9 213.5 218.7 215.7
Opponants Avg 212.6 218.9 208.4 213.3
Brandon's Points 11.0 - 13.0 8.0 - 16.0 16.0 - 8.0 35.0-37.0

Player records and averages Each Pair
Pair Brandon's Avg Opp Avg League Avg Win-Loss
7 - 8 218.2 218.7 204.8 8.0 - 7.0
9 - 10 212.5 206.2 204.5 9.0 - 6.0
11 - 12 222.9 217.4 206.2 10.0 - 8.0
13 - 14 210.7 211.3 200.7 8.0 - 16.0

Range of This Player's Scores with W-L record
0-179 180-189 190-199 200-209 210-219 220-229 230-239 240+
4 3 12 13 11 11 6 12
0.0 - 4.0 0.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 10.0 4.0 - 9.0 4.0 - 7.0 8.0 - 3.0 6.0 - 0.0 11.0 - 1.0

Range of Scores shot AGAINST This Player's with This Player's W-L record against these scores
0-179 180-189 190-199 200-209 210-219 220-229 230-239 240+
4 6 3 20 9 15 8 7
4.0 - 0.0 4.0 - 2.0 3.0 - 0.0 11.0 - 9.0 6.0 - 3.0 5.0 - 10.0 2.0 - 6.0 0.0 - 7.0