Individual History for: 30 - Martin Kinder

Scores in Bold are WINS, Scores in Red are Ties
Opponents Games have Aqua backgrounds
If Players Average increased on a week, it is listed in bold numbers
Click on the Opposing Players Name to go directly to their history report
Click on the Date or Lane Pair to go to that week's recap
W-L Record

Start Week

End Week
Wk Date Lanes Opp Player Pts 1 2 3 Ser 1 2 3 Ser OppAvg Pins Gms New Old +/- HiGm HiSer Year Pts
18/27/20149-10Brandon Cramer1.0-2.0214228175617218186191595198.336173205.670.00205.672286171.0-2.0
29/3/201413-14Scott Helberg3.0-0.0207238205650203215179597198.6712676211.17205.675.502386504.0-2.0
39/10/201411-12Terry Martin3.0-0.0267227214708180186201567195.4419759219.44211.178.282677087.0-2.0
49/17/20147-8Cory West0.0-3.0166192169527266193203662201.75250212208.50219.44-10.942677087.0-5.0
59/24/201411-12VACANT 3.0-0.0213216233662200200200600201.40316415210.93208.502.4326770810.0-5.0
610/1/20147-8John McClure3.0-0.0244239232715192205215612201.83387918215.50210.934.5726771513.0-5.0
710/8/201413-14Randy Babcock3.0-0.0233203217653172202173547199.05453221215.81215.500.3126771516.0-5.0
810/15/201413-14Brandon Cramer0.0-3.0144191160495222257215694203.08502724209.46215.81-6.3526771516.0-8.0
910/22/201411-12Brandon Cramer1.0-2.0214238218670300203242745208.11569727211.00209.461.5426771517.0-10.0
1010/29/20149-10Scott Helberg0.0-3.0201174190565217252211680209.97626230208.73211.00-2.2726771517.0-13.0
1111/5/20147-8Terry Martin2.0-1.0177197223597191187167545207.39685933207.85208.73-0.8826771519.0-14.0
1211/12/201413-14Cory West1.0-2.0169206180555194197215606206.94741436205.94207.85-1.9026771520.0-16.0
1311/19/20147-8VACANT 3.0-0.0238220239697200200200600206.41811139207.97205.942.0326771523.0-16.0
1411/26/201413-14John McClure1.5-1.5235214185634232218185635206.79874542208.21207.970.2426771524.5-17.5
1512/3/20149-10Randy Babcock2.0-1.0245223222690179187264630207.00943545209.67208.211.4526771526.5-18.5
1612/10/20147-8Terry Martin2.0-1.0257173206636210182138530205.101007148209.81209.670.1526771528.5-19.5
191/14/201513-14Terry Martin0.0-3.0206197158561210238212660205.981063251208.47209.81-1.3426771528.5-22.5
201/21/20159-10Cory West0.0-3.0192198213603199237226662206.801123554208.06208.47-0.4226771528.5-25.5
211/28/201513-14VACANT 2.0-1.0157226225608200200200600206.441184357207.77208.06-0.2826771530.5-26.5
222/4/20159-10Jack Carter0.0-3.0205161179545232169204605206.201238860206.47207.77-1.3126771530.5-29.5
232/11/201511-12Randy Babcock1.0-2.0190200158548209198170577205.541293663205.33206.47-1.1326771531.5-31.5
242/18/20159-10VACANT 2.0-1.0203198224625200200200600205.291356166205.47205.330.1426771533.5-32.5
252/25/201513-14Brandon Cramer1.0-2.0164208226598246193227666206.011415969205.20205.47-0.2726771534.5-34.5
263/4/20157-8Scott Helberg0.0-3.0172223263658245246279770208.131481772205.79205.200.5926771534.5-37.5
273/11/20159-10Terry Martin1.0-2.0268184224676202209227638208.311549375206.57205.790.7826871535.5-39.5
293/25/20159-10VACANT 2.0-1.0194208266668200200200600207.991616178207.19206.570.6226871537.5-40.5
304/1/201511-12John McClure1.0-2.0202224176602149225181555207.141676381206.95207.19-0.2426871538.5-42.5

Player records against other Bowlers
If Martin's numbers are higher, they are in bold with Aqua background
(ie: bold=good, non-bold=whoops)
Opponent Martin's Avg Opponents Avg Win-Loss Record
John McClure 216.8 200.2 5.5 - 3.5
Scott Helberg 208.1 227.4 3.0 - 6.0
VACANT 217.3 200.0 12.0 - 3.0
Cory West 187.2 214.4 1.0 - 8.0
Terry Martin 211.9 196.0 8.0 - 7.0
Randy Babcock 210.1 194.9 6.0 - 3.0
Jack Carter 181.7 201.7 0.0 - 3.0
Brandon Cramer 198.3 225.0 3.0 - 9.0

Player records and averages per game
  Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 TOTAL
Martin's Avg 206.6 207.6 206.7 207.0
Opponants Avg 209.9 206.9 204.6 207.1
Martin's Points 12.0 - 15.0 15.0 - 12.0 11.5 - 15.5 38.5-42.5

Player records and averages Each Pair
Pair Martin's Avg Opp Avg League Avg Win-Loss
7 - 8 212.8 206.6 204.8 10.0 - 8.0
9 - 10 207.9 208.8 204.5 8.0 - 16.0
11 - 12 212.7 202.9 206.2 9.0 - 6.0
13 - 14 198.1 208.5 200.7 11.5 - 12.5

Range of This Player's Scores with W-L record
0-179 180-189 190-199 200-209 210-219 220-229 230-239 240+
17 3 10 13 9 13 9 7
0.0 - 17.0 0.5 - 2.5 1.0 - 9.0 10.0 - 3.0 4.0 - 5.0 8.0 - 5.0 9.0 - 0.0 6.0 - 1.0

Range of Scores shot AGAINST This Player's with This Player's W-L record against these scores
0-179 180-189 190-199 200-209 210-219 220-229 230-239 240+
9 8 9 25 11 5 4 10
7.0 - 2.0 5.5 - 2.5 4.0 - 5.0 18.0 - 7.0 3.0 - 8.0 0.0 - 5.0 1.0 - 3.0 0.0 - 10.0